Okay so, earlier today, many of you may have seen yours truly mention something about Eli struggling to read due to the farsightedness of owls. HOWEVER, this did bot fully sink in yet and now . . . I have some more things to say on the topic.

Eli Clark sees through the eyes of his owl, Brooke Rose. Owls are VERY farsighted— this means they can see best from a distance and the closer things are, the worse their vision becomes.

Due to this, Eli would be incapable of reading unless he was far enough away.

ADDITIONALLY, this would mean Eli can’t see very well when it comes to up-close things. Faces? No, not when someone is directly in front of him. Doors in the manor? They all mostly look the same. Stairs are a trap for the first few weeks after his initial arrival.

He can’t read the labels of things in the kitchen— sometimes, he has to rely on remembering where things are and hope he’s right.

You think that is the worst? I’m not finished yet strap in while I tell you about how owls see when it comes to /colour/.

Owl eyes have very few cones for colour detection, while they have many rods for light reception. Their eyes are a hundred times more sensitive to light than ours.

Due to this, it is said that owls are actually colour blind— they see in greys, blacks, whites . . .

. . . this would mean Eli has never seen the colour of things— he can’t even see outfit colours. Now put these two pieces of information together— place yourself in his shoes.

Simple, mundane tasks are now ten times more difficult.

At least, they are for a while.

Doors that look alike are knocked on mostly by Eli. Things being moved around in cupboards leads Eli to have to /always/ ask for help if he can’t locate what he’s looking for. He has to rely on every other sense even when he /can/ see.
I’m going to add on that with there being more light receptors as well, he’s most likely very sensitive to the light. Eli probably ends up in pain alongside Brooke Rose because of lighting sometimes— and yet, he says pretty much /nothing/ about it.

But finally I am tired, and I will rest— I will end this here. I want to sleep.

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