1. Admiral Mike Rogers on why the 2020 elections will be safe from fraud:

"...the 2020 dynamic is a little different in some ways than 2016” because “there’s been increased government focus on attempting to ensure both our electoral associated systems are much more able to be...
2. ...resistant to attempts to penetrate, manipulate, or extract from them” and “broadly, there’s a much greater awareness and a much greater set of activities ongoing to ensure that the 2020 election process isn’t as impacted or the Russians don’t have the same success.”"
3. That excerpt is from Washington Examiner article about Admiral Mike Rogers and his cooperation with US Attorney John Durham in the illegal spying operation against Trump's campaign AND about Rogers' perceptions of Russia's impact on the 2016 election.

4. Why has Admiral Rogers visited U.S. Attorney John Durham multiple times? It may be due to his analysis of Russia's influence in our elections or, it may be because he's the one that discovered the illegal "702" spying operation carried out against Donald Trump in 2016.
5. A lot of people think that the spying operation against Donald Trump was just moving some various people around the board and maybe bugging a phone or two and just carrying out cool spy shit. But in reality, the 702 program is reserved exclusively for foreigners.
7. Spying on a US citizen at home or abroad would require other assets from other agencies and has to be approved via other venues.

Thr FISA court judge approving a 702 operation on American citizens is a violation that should not have even been possible.
8. All this talk of falsified information or pulling the wool over a judge's eyes to get warrants approved is total bullshit. All those things might have been done, but it still does not account for why a FISA court judge would approve a 702 warrant on a US citizen.
9. The warrant is useless. It possesses no authority. So, why the dog and pony show? One could not even argue that it was to make the appearance of an effort to have done it "by the books". It simply isn't supposed to be possible.

But, that's just how gullible people are.
10. The democrats told America the FBI followed the rules, that they worked hard going after the evil orange man for working with Russia. They put Mueller out front, they paraded Comey as the victim, they made a stupid ass movie that made me lose all respect for Jeff Daniels.
11. And the whole time the average Americans was trying to decide just how much they should hate Trump and doubt him, they were completely unaware that the system used to "investigate" Trump doesn't even legally permit surveillance of US citizens nor can it be used on US soil.
12. The biggest lie was covered by many smaller ones. If a person understood that it's impossible to get a warrant to spy on US citizens from the fisa court then the whole argument and debate over whether or not Trump was truly guilty or not would be moot.
13. American citizens would just be like "...oh, the FBI broke the law here and lied about it. The FISA court lied, it doesn't even have permission to grant surveillance activities of US citizens on US soil. Any claims they make from here on out are not trustworthy."
14. But, the media got involved and heightened people's emotions, stirred them up and lied to them about the fundamentals. They drew attention away from the actual court and the legal side of it. They convinced many that a Russian sympathizing traitor was in the White House.
15. This isn't the first account or the first time that I've documented this fact about the FISA Courts. It's good to revisit it and refresh it and share it with people that haven't seen it yet. And, it always begs the question, why did they do it this way?
16. You have to ask yourself, what was it about proper channels and proper procedure and honest investigations that the Obama Administration wanted to avoid? A criminal only deals with people that they trust or control. So, who do they trust or control in FISA courts?
17. And, what does it say about the Departments and agents and courts that should have been used had this been a real investigation with real facts? The idea that this facade was not played out in the proper forums with proper players and proper procedures suggests 1 thing.
18. There are still good people doing honest jobs, preserving the law.

We're told the country is going to hell in a handbasket, the worst of humanity is portrayed by the fake news.

But in reality Patriots are doing their part to protect their fellow countrymen and their Nation.
19. In all of this, one of the biggest lessons that we've learned is to carefully weigh the entire picture before accepting an opinion or a statement. There are far too many instances where a single piece of the story is responsible for accepting or believing the entire story.
20. Start channeling Mr Spock and the Vulcan's reasoning (theoretically). Be slow to respond emotionally. Use that all-important logic.

The entire Trump/Russia story requires that Americans remain ignorant of the 702 FISA surveillance laws.

That ends here.

God bless.

- End
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