I was about to post "It's probably illegal but you could win the Presidency by promising to audit the last five years of everyone who made more than a million dollars" but the government's ignoring judges and blowing off subpoenas and I genuinely don't know what's legal anymore.
My 2024 platform is coming together:
1) Audit the fuck out of rich people, and only rich people, for five years retroactively.
2) Social media all shuts down for a year for us to cool down. Everybody gets a free Geocities site and a template.
3) Postal banking.
5a) Doctorow and Warren would of course both receive the traditional cape and goggles and work from a balloon based HQ
6) No member of Congress or police officer can be paid more than the lowest paid school teacher in their district/municiplaity.
7) End the carried interest loophole.
8) We get those fucking taco trucks on every corner like we were promised.
More suggestions from the constituents.
9) Everybody gets a free library card, bookmobiles do delivery and pickup. (h/t @czhabbott )
10) @SaraJBenincasa becomes Secretary of Supportive Aunties and Uncles for Queer Kids Who We Are Not Directly Related To But We're Here For You.
11) As long as we're going unenforceable -- AntiDynasty law, once someone has held public office no spouse or descendent out to first cousin can hold public office for two generations. Yes, sorry, that knocks out President Malia, but we need to make some sacrifices people.
12) I cannot ABOLISH the Senate but I think we can go with @maddiekayray and argue that Senators must be replaced by animal mascots. REAL animals.
13) Fix the Apportionment Act.
14) @McNutcase makes a strong case -- standardize shoe sizes. This may seem small, but it's a high ROI for quality of life.
15) All police misconduct civil suit awards come directly from the police pension fund or budget.
I dare you to find something in this list any reasonable opponent will oppose. We may make an exception for the social media thing for Tik Tok or another creative platform. We may bring back and federalize Vine. But this is all for the Convention platform bickering.
16) Can't believe I didn't think of this. @SaraSewsStuff
proposes Pockets In All Clothing/ Pockets For ALL!! Solid agenda.
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