*Prepares to be killed* Asians deserve more representation than Black people. Black people have their own TV channel, music genre, magazines, & sitcoms based around Black families has & have ALWAYS been really popular, etc whereas Asians have basically 1 series about life as an- https://twitter.com/haramcart/status/1310321355297116160
Asian family (Fresh off the Boat) but it was sadly cancelled & that's literally the only Western TV series about an entirely Asian family (Sure, Kim's Convenience exists but, most people know 0 about it). Asians have neither magazines FOR Asians in the West, their own TV chennel-
they are almost NEVER MCs in live-action series/films in the West vs Black & White people. Same goes with cartoons (Avatar doesn't count because I'm PRETTY sure that they were all a fictional race but, I COULD be wrong), &or music genre (Kpop/Jpop doesn't really count...it's just
pop music in another language). Sure, there's anime & manga but, that's FROM Asia. I'm talking about Asian representation in the WEST, NOT Asia coming INTO the West. BIG difference! Asians also make up MUCH less of the population vs White & Black people. There. That's all!
I'm ready to be killed now...
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