tales of an 0-2 shitter: a thread
at one of my first weeklies i lost to a link in pools. he popped off HARD and then apologized saying "sorry, i don't usually win"
i got double 4-stocked by a sheik who then proceeded to stand up and DQ himself RIGHT next to me, telling the TO that he "just wasn't playing well"
was playing a top 8-ers boy in AMATEUR bracket at a weekly and he was screaming in my ear the whole time saying "HE'S SHOOK", "HE'S BAD", and "YOU MADE HIM SWITCH OFF HIS MAIN" (didn't have a main btw). after i inevitably lost i stared him in the eye till he said "good showing".
quiggles wobbled me in friendlies before we even knew each other
at one of my first weeklies i was playing falcon and this guy went pichu against me while a bunch of people were watching. after i lost and people popped off he said "it's not even a bad mu for pichu". saw the same guy spike his controller while playing ult a few months later.
i want to also add that the first time i played mono he went falco and beat me by only f-smashing and when i told him to fuck off he told me to learn how to beat it. like ya i know i suck but u don't have to be that much of a fuckhead holy shit what a fuckhead am i right
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