There have been challenges, this cannot be denied. But do you know what makes you so you? You have been love, love to yourself, you have been open to the healing and to the transformation. You let go of damaging memories, you have an understanding of your true self now
through these difficult times. You have felt hatred, envy, jealously, bitterness, revenge and you have thrown them into the raging fire that can be your emotions so that they have been allowed to burn and they are no longer casting a long shadow on your life and do you know what
else they are no longer doing? getting in the way of any potential for your future happiness. Do you know what you have done for yourself and others? Forgiven. You are embracing new opportunities. You are open to them. You are ready for them.
Desire is never in vain, ultimately you will always find what it is you yearn for. Destiny is the call that motivates and compels you to go on into a deeper meaning and purpose even when it doesn't make any sense logically. Listen to your small voice within because it always know
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