I like reylo but I’m not deep into the Star Wars fandom, so I don’t know all the details of the wank that goes on in there, but I find it pretty damn hard to believe the people claiming that reylos are primarily the perpetrators of harassment rather than the recipients when -
- the most kudos-ed reylo fic on AO3 is a hate fic. Also when I do come across reylo hate, it’s usually hating on them for merely enjoying their ship shamelessly, not in response to harassment they’ve perpetrated. Plus the fact I received reylo hate back when I didn’t even -
- ship reylo, merely because I shipped a ship that reminded antis of reylo.

Ultimately, a pass sure as hell shouldn’t be given to reylos who are harassers, but a pass sure as hell shouldn’t be given to people harassing reylos as a whole either, something that is well documented.
Ultimately any shippers are more than welcome on Fanexus, so long as they are respectful to each other. Shippers whose wider ship communities are notorious for harassment and antis are welcome to enjoy their ships on Fanexus so long as they themselves are do not engage in or -
- support there harassment. Hell, pro-shippers who enjoy ships that are favoured by antis are some of the people that probably need Fanexus the most.
But I do find it interesting that people who claim reylos are the harassers in the Star Wars fandom almost always brush over the harassment that reylos very clearly receive. Making the claim that there are reylos who perpetrate harassment is easy, in a fandom as large as reylo -
- I don’t doubt there are, but why then act like the harassment they receive in turn is a lie?
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