It's hard to be nuanced in 280 characters.
The Twitter character limit is a major factor of what can make it so much fun to use: you can read, publish, and interact, in extremely short, digestible chunks. But, it doesn't fit every topic, ever time.
Sometimes you want to talk about complex topics, having honest, thoughtful discussions. In an environment that encourages hot takes, however, it's often easier to just avoid having those discussions.
I can't blame people for doing that, either: I find myself taking extended breaks from Twitter, as it can easily become overwhelming.

For me, the exception is Twitter threads.
Twitter threads encourage nuance and creativity.

Creative masterpieces like this Choose Your Own Adventure are not just possible, they rely on Twitter threads being the way they are.
Publishing a short essay about your experiences in your job can bring attention to inequality.
And Tumblr screenshot threads are always fun to read, even when they take a turn for the epic (over 4000 tweets in this thread, and it isn't slowing down!)
Everyone can think of threads that they've loved reading.
My point is, threads are wildly underused on Twitter. I think I big part of that is the UI for writing threads: while it's suited to writing a thread as a series of related tweet-sized chunks, it doesn't lend itself to writing, revising, and editing anything more complex.
To help make this easier, I've been working on a tool that will help you publish an entire post to Twitter from your WordPress site, as a thread. It takes care of transforming your post into Twitter-friendly content, you can just... write. 🙂
It doesn't just handle the tweet embeds from earlier in the thread: it handles handle uploading and attaching any images and videos you've included in your post.
All sorts of embeds work, too. 😉
This might not fix all of Twitter's problems, but I hope it'll help you enjoy reading and writing on Twitter a little more. 💖
You can follow @GaryPendergast.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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