Kinda early for Halloween, but if you want to read really scary stuff, read the transcript of the court conference today on how the @GaSecofState is planning to install ALL NEW SOFTWARE (uncertified, untested) in 34,000 touchscreen voting machines. 1/
2/ What could possibly go wrong?
Using real voters as guinea pigs to "test" the brand new software that even the federal government has not seen or reviewed.

There is a sensible alternative---hand marked ballots that can be audited. If everything failed, we could hand count.
3/ When will the public (and candidates) begin to wonder why the SOS is so obsessively committed to totally flawed system for the Nov. election?

Someone needs to help us @CoalitionGoodGv raise hell!
4/ Please help us continue to raise hell about this new bizarro voting system! It's not too late to keep getting improvements and more scrutiny. 
You can follow @MarilynRMarks1.
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