Critical thinking - “the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.”

We’ve had 4 years of data flowing in on this president: 1
Trump has expressed racist views and acted on them....including barring Muslims and locking kids in cages away from their moms and dads. His government gave women hysterectomies without their consent. Shit-hole countries.... the birtherism .... 2
the rapists. It’s just a fraction of his racist acts.

He’s a phony on Christianity. He uses the Bible as a prop. He lacks empathy & compassion. He tear-gassed his people & sent govt agents to suppress nonviolent demonstrations. He paid porn stars. He cheated on his wife. 3
He lied over 20,000 times to the American people. He let 200,000+ people die needlessly. The taunting and the bulling. The disgusting comments about women and blood flowing. How can you consider this man a follower of Jesus? 4
How can a man claim to be Christian and not be at all Christian-like?

His refusal to defend America against an attack on our election. His inability to criticize Putin for putting bounties on our troop’s heads. His using the power of his office for political gain. 5
His using of taxpayer dollars for political events at the White House. His dismantling of the United States Postal Service. His questioning of our electoral process and its validity. His calling military service members “ losers and suckers”. 6
His terrible treatment of war hero John McCain. His attacks on the CIA, FBI, CDC, FDA, etc. etc. He attacks every one of our institutions we spent decades building up. It only took 3.5 years for him to tear them down. 7
His criminal handling of the coronavirus. He knew in February this was going to be devastating to the American people. He denied it was real...he called it a democrat hoax...he told people to go out and fight state restrictions because it was “just like the flu”. 8
He didn’t prepare us with adequate PPE. He gave assistance to red states and denied assistance to blue states.. The numbers indicate 400,000 dead by January. We are the worst country in the world in our handling of the pandemic. 9
He has left our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico desperate for help. For years after the hurricane, he denied their cries for government assistance. These are American citizens! But it’s a Democrat run screw’em. 10
He has conned the American people into thinking he was a billionaire. His tax returns, just out last night, indicate he has paid $0 in taxes over the last 10 years, except for $750 the year he was elected. 11
He has over $421M in debt/loans that are coming due & the American people have no idea who financed those loans. We can only imagine some of that money flowed through Russia given the family’s own statements about Russia being their major source of financing. Time will tell. 12
Meanwhile, he has spent well over $100,000,000 of OUR hard earned tax dollars on his personal golf-outings — funneling the cash into his failing businesses. And he uses those properties to line his pockets with money from lobbyists, and foreign countries. 13
He is filling our courts with right-wing judges who will set back The rights of Americans for decades. On the courts of appeal, the final word in the overwhelming majority of federal cases, more than 1/4 of all active judges are Trump appointees. 14
In less than three years, Trump has named a total of 50 judges to these courts — compared to the 55 Obama appointed during his entire 8-year presidency. In many cases, the American Bar Association has rated these appointments “unqualified“. 15
Now, the Trump admin will no longer provide detailed candidate information to the bar for their analysis. They have been completely cut out of the confirmation process.. Why? And if this is the reason why you support trump, haven’t you had enough? Aren’t you satisfied? 16
You got what you wanted, including two stolen seats to the Supreme Court.

There has been an overwhelming stream of career professionals, neither Dem nor Republican, who have come out to testify to the American people of the grave threat Donald Trump poses to our republic. 17
He is ill-informed, he makes decisions based on feeling and not facts. His calculus is only how it will impact him, and his ability to get reelected. He is a national security threat. He’s corrupt. We have been warned dozens of times by those who have worked in his gov’t. 18
If you support Trump, you have long ago suspend your critical thinking and placed a impenetrable barrier between the data your eyes and ears can see and hear, and your good common sense. 19
He’s a threat to the 244 years of good men and women who stood up and fought for American exceptionalism and ideals. We are a joke to the world. Our allies can’t believe what America has become. 20
You may not agree with everything Joe Biden and Kamala Harris represent. But at his core, Joe is a man of integrity and honor. He would never allow America to fall as far as we have. 21
I implore you, don’t let this dishonorable man represent the honorable people of America for another term. It will be the end of our country and all that we have achieved to make this a more perfect union. 4 more years of Trump and this country will be unrecognizable. VOTE! 22
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