Here's why commodification of spirituality is neccessary: my two cents and Php15 Billion in misallocated public health funds.

Right now, there is a revolution with spirituality. I see it in the esoteric work abound in , but not limited to, the Astro community.
I say this upon realizing that in my conversation with my mom earlier today when she was marinating some veggie meat, that our lives would've been better if she made all our meals.

She went to the States for a while when I was a kid. She's an optometrist here, too.
I had Spam for lunch everyday, and a gall stone by 6th grade.

Not to demote her to a more conventional maternal role, or that Spam is the food of the devil, but the convenience that comes with bad eating habits and slacking in spirituality can be so mutually coexistent.
In the same way that we neglect nutrition when we commit to mindless eating habits, the methods in which we are administered spirituality have, for the most part of our existence, been patriarchal and absolute.

And I think we're only getting to call out that kind of extremism.
I take it as a form of bypassing and abjection, the way things are decided for me with dogma, and the way obedience is demanded of me.

It does not reflect the departure from the ways of the old world well. We've had the fruit once before, but we live in exile being denied it.
This translates to an unhealthy diet for the spirit, too.

There is a kind of junk we feed ourselves when we allow an unknown source to dictate the regiments and limits of what we accept as truth.

The current modes of communion require a departure from these autocracies.
Not to sound ableist!

The fact that only authority and power are allowed to preach truth is reflective of how healthy food is not marketed for cheap to the masses!

These reflect the imperialistic values of both economic and spiritual authority.
To make wholesome diets in terms of food and spirituality requires an exile from the existing forms of participation-

Just as my mother's hand in my upbringing is not limited to maternal roles.

She wore the pants AND the heels. I salute and wish to exemplify her for that.
These nuances, I realized yesterday as I stepped into the shower: the frustration I felt with my mother being the classic Capricorn sun and moon she is, and how her needs for boundaries and structure demanded an asphyxiation of my expression and emotion as a Gemini sun son to her
My Cancer moon, Mercury, and Venus meet her halfway, and my Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn reflect her in me.

Then it all just suddenly clicked, you know?
My frustrations with growing up through what I had to.
These transits now- they're all reflections of my frustrations.

Her Venus in Pisces meets me at my Ascendant.

This matters so much, because the natural order of the signs requires logic in bridging material fulfilment to compassion and empathy.

Astrological explanation:
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, lord over the 10th house of ambitions, achievements, public image. This is the midheaven, and sums up the great deal of work one carries out in the course of life, and the narrative of this house deals with the dreams our fathers wish we fulfill.
Saturn is also known as Cronos, or father time.

Just as the planet has rings, Saturn's energies seek to bind us to reality- which makes sense when one think about how our admission to a meaningful life requires us to make use of our time well and wisely.

Saturn WANTS us to win
The current Capricornian transits are Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, with the first two planets assuming direct soon (only Saturn has yet to leave retrograde completely).

Jupiter and Saturn will meet at a "Grand Conjunction" on December 21st, and this is impactful on us-
Every time they meet every few centuries, they leave a cycle through an element, and enter a new cycle in another.

This shift from earth to air signs sees values gradually moving away from land and natural resources to information and data.
Some accompanying occurences include stark attacks on democracy using disinformation, campaigns that made gross use of our digital data, an increasing presence of non-meat alternatives in the global economic market, among other things.
How, then, does spirituality matter to these changes?

Change is a kind of truth.

It is one of the most absolute truths about this universe, and Taurus safeguards it.

The impermanence that makes up half of all existence- matter can neither be created nor destroyed.
Our bodies, for example, are vessels that must return to the Earth to be subject to the laws of decay, but what for?

To host new life! To be remade into new vessels!

Scorpio holds the other half of that absolute truth, the eternity to accompany the impermanence!
What occupies this material vessel, if not an intangible, incorporeal, unbreakable, and perpetual energy, a soul!

This is how the Taurus-Scorpio duality reconciles to define light.

Our existence is the separation of light into matter and energy, which took 13.8 billion years-
And we're still judt trying to learn about it, trying to constantly relearn, and remake, and reshape, and reform all the many ways in which we exist!

This rebirth into a more virtual existence is no different a movement from ours departure in the hunter-gatherer, agricultural,-
Industrial, commercial, nd now digital exertions and excursions!
This upheaval, this revolution of the spirit, this uprooting from the more material comforts of our eartian roots is what Uranus' retrgrade in Taurus is all about.

And as Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto seek council, they will ultimately decide what values no longer help us thrive.
What of this system Capricorn has built serves greed more than the people?

Where has his hand been heavy, his horns hot, and his hooves trampling over people?
This shift into Aquarius from Capricorn will seek retribution and justice for the ways of man where greed corrupts goodness.

Capricorn takes Sagittarius' adventurous spirit and earthly learnings to triumph over the system!

In doing so, he becomes the system, as this is ASSET.
Aquarius will punish those who seek to keep these assets to themselves.

Look at all the protests and uprisings for climate justice, for human rights, to Black Lives, for women, for the LGBT- these are necessary.

Their good has been exploited for the material security of the few
We see two eclipses towards the end of the year- a lunar eclipse in Gemini, and a solar eclipse in Sagittarius.

They are essentially portals, offering new means of life, perspectives on how we can best accommodate to all the neglect and abandonment we have committed on ourselves
And is self-awareness not a kind of commitment?

Is it not a contract to deliberately channel conscious effort into knowing oneself?

This is what I find purpose in.

This is why I read birth charts.

This is why I'm invested in Astrology.
To know myself is to reunite myself with my spirit, to bring to consciousness all the love and violence that has come together to manifest me.

And when I read charts for others, I allow them to step into the same existence- with a knowledge of themselves, using these truths.
This is the only way to fight the fodder we are being fed upon birth.

The default subscription is to be an economic stimulus, a statistical affect to the resource-rich who run all these platforms we participate in and connect through.

Do not allow them to diminish you.
You are whole, and you are beyond the dreams they sell you.

You are your dreams. You are your own dreams.

You are your own dreams come true, and I am glad to be with you here, now.
You can follow @thedippingpond.
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