This is my friend JW. He’s getting married next year so last year he worked extra hard at two jobs, and made $43,286. He paid $2454 in federal taxes.
This is my buddy Mike. Newly married, he worked several jobs last year and made $40,930. He paid $3459 in federal taxes.
Young people like this are scraping by, serving the public, building their future. They pay taxes to support our societal health care, defense, mail service, highways and parks.
A few thousand to these guys would go a long way right now, but they don’t complain. They understand the deal and the duties of being an American.
When I hear that the President paid $750 in taxes, I get mad for all the Mikes and JWs out there, just trying to get their lives started.
Please reply if you are comfortable sharing and let me know if you paid more than $750.
You can follow @MattKleinSD52.
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