These are my columns from last election for advance voting:
and election day voting:
Next I'm going to go through what's changed and update links.
Most of the info you might need is on this page:
Most importantly the list of polling places, both advanced and election day. This also includes NZSL instructions, instructions on phone voting for the blind, and takeaway/rest-home votes.
Advance voting starts on the 3rd, which is a Saturday.
You can now enrol to vote on election day.
We have the tablet again (this year it's a phone and I get to hold it), so we can look you up on the electronic roll. If you have enrolled/moved recently you'll be there.
How busy the polling booth will be is more to do with the time you go than the day. Most people will (I would put money/gin/tiramisu on this) vote in advance this year. If you're worried about queues, desperately try to avoid noon til 2pm.
Now I'm going to go on to changes because of COVID, and this is where people are going to get Really Angry.

All preparation for the election was done on the basis that we would be in level 2. No, we are not chucking that all out the window at this point.
We will triage you at the door. There will be two sets of queues, because we will only let a set number of people into a polling booth at one time and maintain the required ONE METRE social distancing. ONE metre. Not two. Okay?
Most polling places will have a foyer/anteroom where the first queues will be. Some smaller polling places, this might mean you have to stand outside. Please take that into account.
When I say "sets of queues", one queue for specials and one queue for ordinary votes.
So you will be put into one queue (special or ordinary) outside the booth, and then ushered in when there's a spot in that queue inside. There will be tape on the floor showing you where you can stand.
People can stand together if they're in the same bubble.
We might usher someone in ahead of you if they're elderly/infirm/disabled/can't stand in the queue.
Please, for the love of everything, do not chuck your fucking toys over this.
When you get inside, you will be asked to sanitise your hands. See above, re: toy-chucking.
If you have not brought your own pen, we will give you a pen. There will be NO PENS attached to the cardboard voting booth thingies.
When you leave, you can give your Electoral Commission pen back. Or you can souvenir it, in which case I will not have to sanitise it before anyone else uses it.
When you leave, you will be asked to sanitise your hands. I KNOW. Shut up.
We are not allowed to pass things hand-to-hand. Put your EasyVote card down on the table for the issuing officer. They'll put your ballot and referendum papers down on the table.
I know this all seems like a tremendous faff. But we don't just need people to BE safe in polling places. We need people to FEEL safe going to a polling place, even if they're nervous about COVID.
All of these precautions plus the referendums means voting is going to take a lot longer than normal. Here's what you can do to help us.
1. Bring your EasyVote card, a pen, and a huge bucket of patience.

2/ Don't give the polling place staff any shit. They didn't make the rules. Don't stand by and shift uncomfortably if someone else is giving them shit. This year, for the first time, we have security guards on call. I am bracing myself to basically be abused all day.

3/ No matter how many times you've voted before, please take the time to listen to instructions. Read the fucking signs.
4/ Retweet these tweets. Talk to people about what to expect when voting this year, so they can be prepared, which will make them more patient.
Oh, I lied. Not the end. Feel free to ask me questions. About voting. About HOW, not who. I can't say anything about who.
You can follow @Ghetsuhm.
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