today’s agenda: exposing an anitwt user for lying about their death😐 (thread)
before i start this off please don’t go attack this person. it cant be 100% proved or 100% disproved that whether this is a lie, so i will stay respectful just incase. it also seems this person is lying about their age, so they might be really young.
screenshot from @loulouaye , they were also the one who brought this to my attention . this sc shows the exact same texting style between the “gf” and the main users account

look at the commas & capitalized letters
this isn’t 100% evidence because it may just be a phone issue. but then i looked deeper & found this users account
they use the same texting style as the supposed dead person

once again, look at the commas, the capitalization after the commas, the “//“ in front of their sentences.
this is @loulouaye s thread, i recommend reading through the other replies & looking at these screenshots as well
now on to more substantial things: the “main” account posted a thread of the supposed dead person being a good teacher. however it says he is only 21 in his bio. i’m not sure how a college student would manage to be a teacher & be enrolled at the same time
in those dms it also states that they have to let kids stay the nights sometimes because parents can’t pick. this sounds very illegal (assuming they’re from the usa) i may be wrong but i have a hard time believing that teachers are allowed to spend the night w/ students
correction: the supposed deceased person is only 22, and assuming they started college at 18 like everyone else this is not enough time for them to get a degree (correct me if i’m wrong i’m not 100% sure)
this is the thread i’m getting the dm screenshots from btw
another thing is him being married & having a 2 yr old daughter at 22, which means he had her 20. this is 100% plausible of course but very uncommon and i figured I might as well mention it
their bios are also similar, both have hq!! profiles, and profile pictures. this may just be a role playing thing (i was told using // is used to indicate an admin speaking and is used for roleplaying) They also joined anitwt around the same time
once again the texting styles are so similar between miya official, riseki, and risekis wife. it’s insane. the use of “+” to indicate a continuation is just one other small example i found
some other small things: how does the wife know what moots are ? why would the wife choose to tweet about his death literally a day after it happened? he only had around 60 followers also so i fail to understand her reasoning.
a few people have dm’d me asking me to take this down but as someone who has actually lost family from situations like this, the fact that this someone probably lied abt dying in a car crash makes me irrationally angry
but despite that and whether you believe he died or not, there is a very small chance that he actually did. i heard the “miya official” persons mental health is ‘struggling’ so do not attack them in anyway just to be sure. if i find any more sus shit i’ll add it but i have hw now
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