It’s been over 10 years since Obamacare was signed into law. Republicans have tried to undo it dozens of ways, promised to provide a better plan and now are about to affirm the justice that may vote it down.
In that time, they have put together exactly ZERO replacement plans...And why would they?
It was their plan to expand coverage through private insurers. “The market.” Because when something doesn’t work, you go to the market to fix it.
But, alas, once Harry Reid and Obama ran with it, it became theirs. And now the only thing that could expand coverage in this country is expanding a public option. Why?
Because nobody has any damn money to buy healthcare during a pandemic when people are out of work and most healthcare is still employer-based.
I’m still waiting for a big beautiful plan with the best coverage I’ve ever seen to come from @realDonaldTrump and his goons.
But truth be told, when my wife was recently out of work and we qualified for a “public option,” it was the best healthcare we’ve ever had.
No fucks given. Got a health problem? We deal with it. Affordably.
Now, we’re back to watching half her paycheck go to premiums and we can’t go to the doctor because we can’t pay the copays.
American healthcare is the dumpster fire where lower middle class folks go to watch opportunity smolder in the coals.
We make too much too receive a public option and we make too little to be able to pay for quality care that is affordable.
Meanwhile, our president can go to his grave $400m in debt and be looked upon as a great businessman by the herd.
If I have debt with tax debt, and I have at times, they hunt me down and threaten to take everything we have... which isn’t much.
The game is rigged so phonies who start with money can insulate themselves from the consequence of handling their money.
The rich can take risks using credit. Rich folks can make millions disappear and reap no consequence.
But as Michael Franti said, “The punishment is capital for those who are lacking capital.”
American capitalism creates a hedge of protection and an escape route for those with the most debt. And for the rest of us...
Try to better your chances through college debt and they will take that debt to your grave.
Get in medical debt and you will have to bob and dodge and keep finding a new doctor because you can’t see the last one that you have an “open account” with.
And then the exceptionalists will hit the scene and question the audacity with which you criticize the greatest healthcare system in the world.
The most expensive one. With the least positive health outcomes. That one.
And sit back, and drink a beer as you watch opportunity smolder in the fires stoked by crooks like @tedcruz and @senatemajldr that run the system and determine just how much life, liberty and pursuit of happiness you are entitled to.

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