"What is wisdom? Wisdom is just having more information than another person."

Speaker claims Nehemiah 1:1-4 indicates Nehemiah used "data" to learn more about people. #PeopleYouMayKnow
Paraphrase: After Nehemiah got the information, what did he do?
He modeled praying, fasting, weeping, but then *doing something* based on the data..."Church has the one thing that most companies are absolutely desperate for, which is relationship. We OWN the relationship space."
#PeopleYouMayKnow The UK developed a committee to investigate #FakeNews: what it is, where it comes from, & how big-data companies are involved. Cambridge Analytica was involved in a Facebook data breach to assist Trump's campaign.
#PeopleYouMayKnow introduces Dr. Charles Kriel, special advisor to the UK House of Commons Select Committee, that was investigating the intersection of Fake News, Big Data, & Facebook.
Dr. Kriel wrote this article, which caught the eye of the Select Committee members:
#PeopleYouMayKnow The damned president of Cambridge Analytica actually said, to the UK committee: "Hypothetically, it would be possible if you had enough data say, on Evangelical Christians in America...& see if there's a correlation between that & a political agenda..."
#PeopleYouMayKnow NO ONE CAUGHT IT at the time!
Dr. Kriel drafted a letter that was very complimentary to Mr. Nix, to ask him to come sit for an interview.
Filmmaker: "What kind of people usually respond to that sort of invitation?"
Dr. Kriel: "Narcissists."
Dr. Kriel quotes Cambridge Analytica: "With 10 likes, I can predict your behavior better than your coworker. With 300 likes, I can predict your behavior better than your wife."
#PeopleYouMayKnow "What they're *actually* saying is that, by digitally observing you, I can learn to understand your behavior, & figure out how to push you to extremes."
#PeopleYouMayKnow Dr. Kriel claims it's unlikely to "convert" a centrist. However, if someone is already on the far-right or far-left, micro-targeting knows *exactly* how to pus their buttons, to stir up their fear & anger, to push them to extremes. To MILLIONS OF PPL TOGETHER.
Introduces Sven Hughes, former head of politics of SCL, the precursor to Cambridge analytica.

Claims the story *behind* the story is campaign financing.
Mr. Huges claims that Cambridge Analytica will actually kill people who go public w/ this information. :( After he left CA, the man who took his job was killed on a contract in Kenya. The man who took the dead man's job is Chris Wylie, a known whistleblower.
Not sure I buy this.
#PeopleYouMayKnow "I've turned down jobs in Libya, Syria...the money you can make if you're unethical is so extraordinary."
"Disinformation is one of the biggest threats to democracy."
Chris Vickery, who finds data that's exposed & helps companies prevent future problems, discovered a vast amount of cloud data, open to anyone who registered for an account.
The "Database of Truth" had a document called the "Data Trust Voter Vault".
#PeopleYouMayKnow Had data that cross-referenced:
-RNC data
-state voter data
-consumer-purchasable data, from places such as Experian
-data provided by the campaign itself.
#PeopleYouMayKnow Vickery delivered the data to the UK authorities, the FBI, etc. They gave the data to Dr. Kriel.

The UK Select Committee released their final report.

(I feel like the movie is just sharing unrelated, uncontextualized clips, mostly of people being afraid. I'm not quite sure where it's going next.)
A year & a half of work, & at the end, Mr. Nix, the leader of Cambridge Analytica, ended up looking like a victim. The story disappeared into a media black hole. Kriel, & the rest of his team, felt like their work had been thrown into the ether.
#PeopleYouMayKnow They decided to follow up the information on the drive on their own, & specifically go to the US to do so.
#PeopleYouMayKnow Dr. Kriel:
"The story has been handled the wrong way...we're talking to the right people, but talking about the wrong things."

Introduces Sean Eib, who'd been analyzing Vickery's hard drive.
#PeopleYouMayKnow Eib was a threat intel analyst w/ a company called Graphika, who'd also been analyzing a data breach from 191 MILLION voters, from an Evangelical Pastor's organization called "United in Purpose."
#PeopleYouMayKnow (Vickery ALSO found the UiP database, lol. Of every voting-age adult in the US.)

Eib asks, essentially, why does an Evangelical group need 191 million profiles? Also found 28 million records w/ "Highly Enriched" profiles.
#PeopleYouMayKnow "Highly Enriched" = extra data points w/ ~60 different issues that predicted ppls stance on those issues.
Also included:
-Likely voter, likely swing voter, likely single-issue voter
"There's supposed to be separation of church & state."
#PeopleYouMayKnow "Doesn't seem like it works all the time.

Introduces Author Katherine Stewart, "The Power Worshippers."
#PeopleYouMayKnow Ms. Stewart describes observing "national leaders" who went to key swing districts w/ the *sole intention* of persuading pastors to vote in specific ways, & encourage their congregations to do the same.
Holy Shit.
Here's where the rubber meets the road:

"Insights" from a company called Gloo marketed a *targeting tool* to churches, w/ a database of more than "2200 data points on nearly every US consumer."
I had to slow the Gloo ad down to see the example data points:
-addictive behavior
-Alcohol consumption
-past military experience
-Mental illness
-Pain Med usage
-Religious organization membership
-propensity for divorce
-social media usage
-community involvement
-relationship strength
-financial stability
-income bracket
"Every point of data moves you one step closer to knowing the needs of your current people, AND those in your surrounding community, so you can reach them w/ the right message at the right time."
"That could be, people battling substance abuse...."

HOLY SHIT, I stopped the vid on a screen specifically talking abt self-reported:
-anxiety, depression, ADHD, treamtent for ADHD, treatment for bipolar, treatment for depression

#PeopleYouMayKnow So, before I go any further, let's go over what we've learned today:

-Cambridge Analytica was behind a company called Gloo, which sold a marketing tool to churches.
-This marketing tool had data points on nearly every US adult, INCLUDING personal health info.
Evangelical Churches then used this information to target specific people, at the lowest moments in their lives, for Evangelism into their church.
#PeopleYouMayKnow Once they were IN the churches, according to the article I posted earlier, they were MORE likely to vote republican, & to donate 2x as much to the church & conservative causes as current members.

Everyone following me?

Cause I'm about to hit play again, &
...I'm only 1/3rd of the way through this!

Damn. #Exvangelical #EmptyThePews, you guys need to see this. Scroll up.

Ok, hitting play again.
#PeopleYouMayKnow Holy shit, the Gloo ad wasn't even done yet! "Maximize your capacity to change lives by leveraging insights from big data, so you can understand the people you want to serve...."

Apparently they took that ad down.
A "guy named Brent" from Australia reached out to Dr. Kriel, claiming that he figured out the connection between Cambridge Analytica & Fake News/Disinformation.

He went through the creditors during the Cambridge Analytica bankruptcy case,
#PeopleYouMayKnow ...& found "Philanthropy Roundtable", funded by Koch brothers, & they set up the "Culture of Freedom" initiative, funding projects to do w/ marriage, families, church attendance. Key project: "Smart Ministries Initiative."

Oh shit, there's a Vineyard Pastor
#PeopleYouMayKnow There's a testimony thanking Culture of Freedom initiative for "changing the way she thinks."

"Data churches & smart ministries"

Culture of Freedom initiative contracted w/ Cambridge Analytica & Gloo. Set up "Insights" platform.
#PeopleYouMayKnow Marketed to churches specifically for targeting people suffering from relationship stress. They will be more faithful church attenders, & will donate 2x as much as current members.

(sorry, I got ahead of myself)
This is blatant manipulation of vulnerable people. Programmer from earlier claims it's exactly the same type of manipulation used by Isis.
Sven calls it "radicalization."
Dr. Kriel spends time doing counter-radicalization, & he said this is the same type of
...radicalization techniques used by Neo Nazis & Islamic terrorists.
#PeopleYouMayKnow Holy shit, the quote from the beginning of this documentary was actually said by Matt Engel, the Director of Gloo labs.
"The church has one thing which companies are absolutely desperate for, which is relationship. We own the relationship space."
#PeopleYouMayKnow "We developed the only platform in the world that is missionally aligned."
There's a video made by Cru.
I won't subject you to it unless it's relevant.
Introduces Gloria Beth Amodeo, a former evangelical Christian who was converted by Campus Crusade.
(She's unpacking her own #ExvieArchive, & oooooh boy, do we all know those books!)
#PeopleYouMayKnow "Cru's mission is to convert the entire world..."
She was a part of Jersey Cru.
Gloria's mother had a pill addiction while she was growing up, & she "got super scared of being out of control."
She was afraid of getting dragged into addiction.
Describes her experience of forming really strong bonds, before they introduced super-fundamentalist beliefs. They hook you up w/ a Cru discipler who does not go to campus, they're older, married, w/ kids.
She talks about Godly Womanhood. Submission to husbands, "Submission only means he gets to have the final say."
Started cutting her family out of her life.
Isolated her from family & from non-believing friends.

This is starting to get upsetting.
Introduces J.P. De Gance
Founder of "Communo."

(Then cuts away for some reason.)

Dr. Kiel continues: Why would Koch brothers do this? They're not exactly religious.
To answer that question, he goes to Communo, & talks to the founder, JP De Gance.

He already could use predictive analytics & big data to ID folks who were "persuadable on certain issues". "What would it look like to use it within the realm of ministry?"
#PeopleYouMayKnow Communio provided the funding for GLoo to continue to develop the Insights platform.

Their 1st project:
W/ a church, they ID'd 5000 ppl within a 5-10 mile radius of people w/ young kids, who were struggling in their marriage. They helped the church design
#PeopleYouMayKnow ...programs w/ a family focus, that had activities for young kids. THEN another program w/ a "date night" for parents, & child care provided.

(I think I'm going to be sick.)
"They'll meet people at that church, who then invite them to dinner, who then join that church, who can be guided over time to what we would call a growth journey."
#PeopleYouMayKnow He dances around the question of whether or not they used Cambridge Analytica.
"We have this really robust tradition in our country of solving problems through voluntary civil action....there's a lot of committed Christians we've met w/ who...see their resources as not theirs but God's."
In other words, these assholes targeted vulnerable people to become Christians, because they knew Christians who had a strong initial experience gave more money.

#PeopleYouMayKnow Plays a radio ad for a grieving spouse group.

Pastor David Zandt hosts a grief support group at his church. (griefshare dot org)

Plays a tv ad for griefshare dot org.
"It grows exponentially."

Oh my God.
The pastor talks about the pressure to grow the church, & the example of Saddleback, & the explosive growth in the late 90's.
He worries every single day that the church could be exploited & not be who God created it to be.
Even though this small church has definitely used or been used by this big data company, the interviewers clearly believe the leadership has the congregation's best interests at heart, & move to a mega church.
They introduce Mike Megginson, of 3Circle Church, in Alabama.
Hey, @Joshua_S_Akins, this documentary is in your own stomping grounds.
#PeopleYouMayKnow 3 Circle church hosts a Grief share group.
And a Celebrate Recovery group.
"The most amazing thing about Celebrate Recovery is the idea of a person who's been abused, worshipping God... next to a person who was an abuser. & God's honored by it."
#PeopleYouMayKnow "That's the difference between celebrate recovery & other recovery programs." Those quotes were from Jay Hirshberg, celebrate recovery leader & apparently a worship leader in 3 Circle Church.

Next, the pastor shows them a "state of the art" computer system,
#PeopleYouMayKnow ....used for child check-in. The pastor says they have up to 3000 ppl every week.

A subtitle pops up:
"The avg US church donation is $17. $17x 3000= $51,000 per Sunday."
#PeopleYouMayKnow "We use a variety of tools to leverage modern technology to attract....young people, families, teens, keep track of kids that are here, donations...." ---Jay again.

Preschool space, w/ a new wall that has a graph of HOW MUCH LONGER THEY HAVE W/ THEIR CHILDREN!
#PeopleYouMayKnow They actually have a goddamn app that gives you a push notification of how many days/weeks you have left w/ your child.
The filmmaker brought her baby w/ her. She's adorable.
I'm a fan.
They have a database w/ over 20,000 people, but "God is in control."

I'm sure those abusers worshipping next to victims NEVER do ANYTHING unseemly w/ that information.

The filmmaker is European, who has never seen this many churches. Especially w/ $$.
You should definitely watch the movie, just for the discussion on social class.
I'm glad they're taking their time filiming a high school color guard parade, because I'm upset, seeing all this.

Ah, Dr. Kiel was upset too, & went to Chris Vickery.
Vickery says that the church itself doesn't have all this insane info. They just get your name & phone number from the data brokers.
Once you join that CHURCH, data brokers are able to connect you to...
#PeopleYouMayKnow ...that particular social group.


"These are the types of people that are easily manipulated."

United in Purpose was founded by a guy convicted of Embezzlement. He wants to manipulate people.
Vickery explains how data brokers use social circles to predict buying behavior, & fill in gaps.
Once you have a huge pile of these people, like in a mega church, they can identify who is and isn't registered to vote, who is anti-gay, anti-abortion, & who
#PeopleYouMayKnow ....oh my GOD....they pick out a particular person to be a CHAMPION & who can spread a particular message to a particular group.

And they manipulate that CHAMPION into spreading a message.
I have to stop the more detailed live-tweet. I'm really upset.
I'll just put in highlights that I find very interesting.
They finally introduce the Council for National Policy.
#PeopleYouMayKnow Anne Nelson is a researcher who received a Livingston award for journalism, a Guggenheim Fellowship for historical research, is a graduate of Yale, & taught at Columbia University for 2 decades. She's currently on the Council of Foreign Relations,
#PeopleYouMayKnow ...and she wrote a book called, "Shadow Network: Media, Money, & the Secret Hub of the Radical Right."
#PeopleYouMayKnow Watch the movie where she outlines how the Council for National Policy negotiated w/ Trump. They would put their machinery behind the trump campaign IF and ONLY IF, --they could fully participate in the selection of Federal Judges, ---have an evangelical council
...dominated by the Center for National Policy (they're the ones who came up w/ the Cyrus/instrument of God idea! Since he wasn't Godly, he had to be USED by God, as a wrecking ball.)
#PeopleYouMayKnow "The Guy Named Brent" just accidentally stumbled upon a crappy website, & was able to see their entire 5-10 yr plan. <3

Thank you, Brent. You're the one who's God's instrument!
The Council for National Policy has a goal of calling a constitutional convention around at least a single issue. You can introduce whatever other issues you want. You can re-write the whole thing. Marriage equality, women's rights, abortion, federal regs,
#PeopleYouMayKnow ....term limits, etc.

Cuts to a priest wearing a M@GA hat. /eye roll.
De Gance, the Founder of Communio, is a member of the Council for National Policy.

"Communio serves churches to strengthen marriages at a city-wide scale."

Oh rly?

Brent: "They were looking state-by-state at the differences in voting patterns based on marriage, church affiliation, denomination, etc."
Dr. Kriel asks Brent: What's the connection between this microtargeting of churches & Republicans?

Brent: In the initial [Webinar] pitch to donors...they identified a demographic problem.
...that there was a very strong correlation between non-church attenders, & people who don't vote for Republicans. Effectively, what they're saying is we can engineer a shift in the population to get that extra percentage we need of voters who can tip the...
#PeopleYouMayKnow "...balance within a particular electorate."
The film then cuts to that webinar.
JP De Gance walks potential donors through the system, showing them specifically how to target people. He tells potential donors that he used to work for the Koch brothers, that he's a recovering political hack.
The "audience builder" part of the tool defaults to the entire united states. "206 million folks in the database."

Then, it lets you click on groups you want to target.

Propensity for divorce
Opiod dependence
Different mental health disorders.
"So, I'm filling out a survey for my church, & I think it's being anonymized. But when my church puts that data into the platform, it goes where?"
"Into the Insights Microtargeting platform."

Cut to De Gance:
"Also in the church [there are people who are] credit-card dependant to pay their bills...."
[Holy shit, the picture divides up these "credit card dependant" people by race, gender, household size, income]
"...& they can basically run marketing to this custom-created audience."
"Do people in churches know that their personal information is being used to gather data for political campaigns for the republicans?"

Dr. Kiel:
"Every pastor we've talked to, I don't think they have an inkling of what's going on here...w/ the data, the way it's being fed up the chain."
"What do you think the congregation would say if they realized that potentially,
"....a defense-grade system, of recognition of their neuroses, [is working to] radicalize them in a certain way, that is befitting a political party?"
Brent, they wouldn't believe it.
The Insights system does have a database of church members, which is then cross-referenced w/ voter registration info, which is then used to see who the platform wants to "activate" to vote, & who they want to discourage.
Even in the same congregation.
"The perfect situation, when you're in a war, is for your adversary to not even know they're in a war."
Dr. Kiel wore a hidden camera & managed to get into a Council of National Policy meeting. Pence was speaking that day. I was distracted reading the scrolling list of names that the filmmaker put up: all known current & former members of the CNP. Dobson, DeVoss,
...wait, Tim LaHaye? Weird.
Dr. Kiel: "These people, they're not conservatives. They're radicals."
The CNP ppl were promoting "Reopen Church Sunday," during Covid-19.
"We're having less than 100k fatalities b/c of the prayers of ppl!"
Holy fuck. :(
#PeopleYouMayKnow "Less than 6 wks after this interview [Mike Pence & Tony Perkins] President Trump ordered the reopening of churches, against CDC advice.
In march 2020, Gloo, Communio, & CRU pivoted their promotional material to address COVID-19"
Video begins:
"In times of crisis, people & communities often turn to the church for guidance & support....How can churches rise up & find new ways to be a light in their community?"
"You can register your church in the Community Services Directory. [Holy Shit] You'll also have access to 4 customizable surveys that you can use to get a pulse on how your people are doing. Learn more, & sign up for free today."
#PeopleYouMayKnow The final scene is one of the earlier programmers, who says, "The moral of all this is really the Russia connection. But I'm not gonna talk about it, because that's the one that'll get you killed."

MAYBE THIS ONE??? https://twitter.com/XianJaneway/status/1309497075780984833
Hard cut to black,
"A film by Katharina Gellein Viken
Charles Kriel"

Well done, new friends. Well done.
Well documented.

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