We really just take for granted that the government takes 1/3 of our labor so they can maintain a war-time budget.

Having an additional 1/4 taken out, being sued for medical debt from my carnist lifestyle, didnā€™t go unnoticed.

On top of that, Iā€™ve had my hours docked
My stimulus check, which I wasnā€™t notified of, was deposited into my wifeā€™s account, automatically, without anyone notifying me.

I still havenā€™t gotten my unemployment money from shutdown.

But itā€™s not just about 2020
Although this year I have certainly been made to give up even more

I get free food from my coworkers and neighbors & churches, and gardening and foraging
All my clothes and shoes were given to me by my coworkers.

My furniture is falling apart

My car is falling apart

I donā€™t have any unecessary bills, no WiFi, tv, insurance, memberships, etc

But the bank makes $30 every time I pay for rent, and Iā€™m not even paying full rent now
Last 2 months the bank made $120 off me for not having enough money for basic necessities.

I grew up watching my mom cry and cry about being poor, I didnā€™t get it, and I still donā€™t, really

No thatā€™s that our situations are the same, I donā€™t have children for instance
Iā€™m just saying her boat and RV vacation lifestyle now, loving her neighbors like never before makes me realize some poor people hate poor people

Anyway, Iā€™m not a victim Iā€™m a participant

Why should I continue working in a factory (my best financial option here) when I canā€™t
afford anything. I went 7 months without a phone, and I still couldnā€™t afford anything. Iā€™m not even paying for my own phone service now.
Y should I continue burning gasoline and producing trash in a factory to destroy the planet while itā€™s not even covering the cost of LIVING
& if the factory is my best financial option, and all the other options are just extensions of the factories

just, why???

So I quit my job like 1-4 weeks ago I honestly have no idea, and I donā€™t know what im going to do,
But Iā€™m not going to cry about being poor like my mom did, and I do know that Iā€™m not getting another job just so I can be some poor sucker sucking the life out of this planet.

Not until some miracle revolution occurs will I work another job to pay for our ā€œpublic servantsā€
to pay for ā€œdebtā€

Oh & ā€œrentā€

Thinking about telling my landlord ā€œI fucking live here call the copsā€ (nicely tho I guess)
No job in a money world will be tough, but the way people help me just because I am a sweet and helpful little boy, despite being so... candid & blatant... about societal norms making me uncomfortable, tells me a new society is just beneath the surface... just scared, uneducated,
Every1 feels alone...

we arenā€™t just towing our own line and a few leashes, we are hauling this fucking machine... no time for each other...

I donā€™t keep up w news but i do know this machine is oh so quickly devouring the planet, & our lives are lacking
Some jobs are worse than others, but money is the electric current of this machine, the banks are batteries, the shopping centers are logic gates, sending commands to keep the interstate pumping

...life out of the earth for a poor ā€œcivilizedā€ life of abundance and toxic waste...
Grotesque excessive abundance has made us poor af js

We could build a new civilization just using waste

(Getting to that point am I right) lol...
Iā€™m fine getting 2nd hand necessities. It might not be a Gardein meat and skinny jean lifestyle, but I am not interested in being a consumer - itā€™s hardly a sacrifice

& Iā€™m absolutely not too lazy to work, but I am not interested in being a producer - Iā€™m using my time now for
Street activism; hours at a time like itā€™s my job

Like itā€™s my rent for the absolute privilege of being a human, living on this earth (which has provided absolutely everything to each of us) being destroyed by humans and our stuff and our nonhuman slaves https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2018-us-land-use/
Extinction is coming... probably itā€™s inevitable... but I wonā€™t participate in the injustice (sans the actions need needed for my own survival and my familyā€™s well-being.)

...a ā€œperfectā€ course of action will remain obscure in this compromised system...
Just think about how fun famine and fascism is gonna be yā€™all. Thatā€™s what weā€™re towing on the other end of this line.

2020 is crazy wtf about 2050???
Jesus Christ think of the children!?

Also stop having children cuz 2050 is gonna be šŸ’„ā˜€ļøšŸ”„ & šŸ‘®ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø
So I will be looking for dandelions & holding a sign asking everyone to stop what theyā€™re doing

Pbly break some stuff too, itā€™s just dust in the wind anyway
Smile, itā€™s the end of the world :)

And I ainā€™t gonna die poor ;)

But i am anxious about everything tho :|

But I wont give up >:(
PS if you are still eating animals or otherwise exploiting them you # 1 need to stop.

Not only are you destroying the planet the most but where is your damn heart

Stop being so selfish, human centric, speciesist


We all transitioned from dirt and water...
Get your head out of the clouds
Put your feet back in the dirt šŸŒ±
PS I will still be paying for phone service, when I find a way to make money, for online activism - if anyone wants me to weave them a basket or something but idk even then... shipping... šŸš›šŸ™„
Fucking interstate I hate this planet
Hereā€™s another idea but Iā€™m worried about taking other pplā€™s money too šŸ™„ https://twitter.com/act40720604/status/1168149062077571073?s=20
Fucking me i hate me
Will consider any advice that isnā€™t getting a normal job

I will be looking for odd jobs but Iā€™m still worried that everything is dependent on a car - Iā€™m not able to move in town where I could walk instead

You know, until I become homeless
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