The world gave them so many excuses to just cancel it
Imagine going through COVID-19 tests and all the rigmarole of running a socially distanced film shoot etc. to make FANTASTIC BEASTS 3

Oh my God
So this is happening in America, right? The movie is supposed to take place in Brazil but they're faking it on Hollywood soundstages?

God this movie already sounds major cringe from day one
I'm going to renew my prediction

This movie is going to bomb and bomb hard, critics are going to hate it, most people will just try to blame it on COVID-19 wrecking the whole film industry but the TERFs will go buck fucking wild saying it was sabotaged by the trans Mafia
I'm going to make a smaller side bet that the TERFs are going to organize big groups to all go see it together in theaters on opening night, that COVID-19 will still be pandemic when they do so, and this will cause at least one "superspreader event"
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