#AmyConeyBarrett is here to stick her middle finger up your smug, white feminism. She probably would never stick her middle finger up anything but I want you to imagine her doing that every time you see headlines like this.

Also read my article instead: https://feministgiant.substack.com/p/if-amy-coney-barrett-was-a-muslim
So successful has white supremacist patriarchy been at convincing white women that they’re lucky to live in the U.S. and not Saudi Arabia or Iran, that so many white women did not pay enough attention to the theocracy that white supremacy was building right here at home.
And no matter how often we warned you that the fate of nations is not a straight line bending towards a “manifest destiny,” you only saw Iran and women in chadors or Afghanistan and women in burqas and refused to believe that their fate awaited you. #AmyConeyBarrett
No matter how often those of us from authoritarian countries who know to be suspicious of state power & those of us who have fought fascism (be it via military rule or the rule of religious fundamentalists) warned & warned, white Americans shook their head it couldn’t happen here
White liberal women want to save Muslim women (preferably over there somewhere) & white conservative women want to feel superior to Muslim women & so refuse to see anything in their beliefs that consigns them to the subservience & submission they think Muslim women must live with
Whether oblivious to their own oppressions or happy with them, will white women wake the fuck up now that the Five-Star General of the Footsoldiers of the patriarchy is someone who looks just like them? https://feministgiant.substack.com/p/if-amy-coney-barrett-was-a-muslim
#AmyConeyBarrett is not an aberration.She is fruition of decades of work by white supremacist patriarchy. Even if they don’t belong to charismatic Christian groups that worship in tongues,white Republican women know what to say & do to benefit from proximity to power of white men
White women did not pay enough attention to the theocracy that white supremacy was building right here at home because it was being built by white men who look like their fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons, not the scary brown men with beards. #AmyConeyBarrett
And liberal, affluent, white cis women thought as long as Roe v. Wade survived, they could ignore whatever the Christians were saying all along - since the 1970s. In the U.S., white and Chrisitian is considered the default, a norm, not scary, not brown or Muslim or pathologized.
They remained wilfully ignorant to the fact that Roe v. Wade died for many Black and women of colour and poor women in the South, where one after another clinics that provide abortions were being shuttered. #AmyConeyBarrett
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