interesting facts about the brain!! a thread from a neuropsychologist major! ♡
the neurons you have at birth are the only neurons you will get. once a neuron is severed/cut off it is impossible to repair
threatments to help depression are also often used for people with memory issues
you are naturally born with the ability to smell certain things in your surroundings. but as you get older we learn something called “binding” which is the process of having to see or hear something to smell other things
your brain is roughly the consistency of taco meat (which is why it has to sit in formaldehyde for a few days before dissection)
our brains produce enough energy to light a small lightbulb!
the brain has no pain receptors!!! this is why brain surgery is often performed when the patient is awake and alert!
in just the brain alone we have enough blood vessels to stretch approximately 120,000 miles
the “smooth brain” meme is what would happen if you got rid of the sulci and gyri on your brain (the grooves and bumps) that’s what sends the signals to other areas!!
we have as many neurons in the brain as stars in the milky way
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