Instead of calling us radicalized

How about recognizing that our parents were radicalized to be far right pieces of shit?

I'm not showing my dad that thing about Jimmy Carter voluntarily paying taxes bc I don't feel like defending poor Mr Carter atm against my fash dad
I just realized the reason we are being subjected to Boomer culture forever

Because they know as soon as we mills get to write about history, they ain't gonna come out looking so great😬
"Boomers got rid of legislated segregation and gave us second wave feminism. By 1980, when most were employed, buying houses and having babies, they collectively decided 'we got ours, fuck you' and elected Ronald Reagan in a landslide"
"The mythology of the 'hardworking baby Boomer' endured well into the 21st century, even while huge numbers of their children lived in abject poverty without access to jobs, healthcare, or housing"
"It was not until Millennials were middle aged and elderly that they were able to exercise agency over their political and personal lives--amidst a post-apocalyptic society struggling to survive climate change"
"The Boomers were the first generation to live past 100 en masse. Having outlived their children, most lived out their final years in institutional care, their personal needs attended to by young immigrants from the global south"
Note to Boomers getting defensively: we are past the point for me to hold your hand and talk you through this

We are almost 40 and have known nothing but poverty, war and disease

We are holding y'all to account and this includes the "nice ones" who didn't do shit for 50 years
This is fun
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