So I've gotten a lot of criticism over this Tweet since it went viral, and I want to more thoroughly explain the point I was trying to make.

1) What this guy did was better than nothing, and he should absolutely be praised for it. This will undoubtedly improve the shitty living conditions of homeless people in the winter. He's helping the homeless, and that's definately worthy of praise.
2) It is simply an empirical fact that this charity of his would be completely unnecessary if not for the failures of our Capitalist society. Homeless people should not exist, and the only reason they do exist is due to policy. We can and should provide shelter for eveeyone.
3) The main point I was attempting to criticize in this post was our liberal Capitalist society's insistence that we praise individual charitable people doing good deeds by providing for the needy, rather than address the systemic cause of that need in the first place.
4) I was not criticizing this specific individual shown in the image. This isn't about him specifically. This was a critique of a general liberal modus operandi in our society where we praise charity work yet admonish publicly providing people's material needs as "Socialism."
5) I also was not making the argument that we can't simultaneously do charity work and fight for Socialist solutions at the same time, because we absolutely can. I simply believe we need to break out of the liberal dynamic of praising charity while condemning Socialism.
6) Charity will never solve the homelessness crisis, nor will it single-handedly provide homes for everyone. The only thing any sort of charity will ever do is assist a few people by providing material needs, but never all. It's better than nothing, but it'll never be a solution.
7) Many of the people who do charity work assisting the homeless are liberals, and if they instead focused their energy towards direct action demanding that those in power actually address the homelessness crisis by providing public housing, then the problem would be solved.
8) Therefore, I believe we should prioritize organizing direct action that demands public housing policy for the homeless over charity work, because charity will never solve the problem, whereas housing policy will. Charity is good, but demanding public housing policy is better.
9) The general message I was attempting to convey was simply that we cannot continue to pour all our time and energy into charity work when we could be pouring all that time and energy into demanding real solutions to these problems through policy.
I hope this thread helped make my original point more clear.
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