Today I was walking down the road and I passed a homeless woman. It’s bad at the best of times what people go through, but this woman was giving her a mouthful about not giving her money and this woman was literally begging “food, please, food” and I felt my heart shatter
Nobody in a rich country like this should have to beg for food like that. Never never never. It’s not ok. None of it is ok and fuck you capitalists for this situation.
I gave her some money. I’m not saying this for a pat on the back. The woman lecturing her told me I shouldn’t give “them” money. Who is ‘them’???? Who the fuck is anyone to decide for another person????
I told the woman she can spend it on whatever she wants. She’s a human being ffs. Even if she WAS gonna spend it on drugs or whatever so WHAT? Be homeless for a while and tell me you couldn’t use the edge being taken off it. We are lucky but we are NOT better than anyone else.
Ok so she MIGHT buy alcohol or booze but she MIGHT buy food so stfu. People have got to eat.
And ever since the moment my stomach fell out because I heard a human being beg for food, I’ve been filled with fucking rage, even more than usual, that there are people with billions to spare crying over taxes while people in the SAME FUCKING COUNTRY can’t even eat.
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