It may be that nobody else needs a thread about Leonard Cohen, Yom Kippur, abortion, & how much I love Amanda Shires, but here you go!

Today is #YomKippur, & I gotta tell you, this year sucks for holidays that involve community. After Zooming #KolNidre last night, I was lost...
I just couldn't spend the day on Zoom, and decided we'd fast from food/water/screens, and read, and take a walk, and (as I always do) listen to Leonard Cohen, my rebbe (besides @rabbijosh.
Then Mose asked if he could do school as usual.

In a non- #COVID19 year I'd say no, because we'd be at shul, but it didn't make sense to keep him home from school if all he was going to do was stay home and read. I said yes.

I dropped him at "school" (he's in a pod of 3 kids).
Reader, I am not lying when I tell you that as I was listening to The Problem, my kid called me to say he'd forgotten his laptop charger. So I dashed home, picked it up, and headed back over to Mose.

This took me by the @PPFA at the very moment...
That my friend Howie happened to be standing there, alone, counterprotesting and running clinic defense.

There I was, listening to Amanda sing this incredibly nuanced, moving, honest song about abortion, as I passed my dear friend alone, trying to defend it.

On Yom Kippur.
So I ran the dumb charger over & doubled back.

This is not how one is supposed to observe the holiday. But if there is a G-d, I don't know how he could have been sending me any other message.

Leonard Cohen & @amandashires & @PPact are pretty good prophets, if you ask me.
Now, I had been fasting for 15 hours, and was a little loopy. I don't recommend protesting dehydrated. But after I left, I listened to the song again, and it is just... not something you usually hear.

It is not a "political song" exactly. Except it is, because it's a human song.
Now, because of the loss of #RuthBaderGinsberg, we are going to be embroiled in the debate about abortion again, and people will try to convince you there are clear "pro" and "con" "arguments." These are all inadequate.

Abortion is personal, painful in many cases. Human.
But the humanity and pain are not an argument for why women should lose their autonomy, power over their very bodies. The humanity and pain are an argument for why women deserve that power.
So today, I listened to @amandashires' beautiful, honest, heart-rending song, remembered my own stories, and decided to "pray with my feet" as I fasted.

She's not Jewish, but today, she gave me the d'var I needed.

And I'll carry that with me into the new year.
Last thought: during these somber holidays, we read the U­netanah Tokef. "Who shall live and who shall die..." we pray.

Mr. Cohen asked this too, "Who by fire?"

I am thinking about these things, this year. For many reasons...
But while I am thinking about them, goddamn it, I am going to fight like hell.

Please vote. Please call and write those postcards. Please get out and march. It's so confusing to be waging battles on every front, when we aren't supposed to leave our houses.

But we need to.
You can follow @LaurelSnyder.
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