Covid19 is being used as a smokescreen for the biggest agenda against the human race that we have ever seen. Our human rights, freedoms, privacy & life in general will be dependent on following certain social principles. These principles will be forced upon us in“The Great Reset”
Covid19 has gone from protecting our health to instead destroying our mental/physical health. With flawed statistics/testing the government can easily implement these restrictions in the name of “protecting our health”. Parliament and democracy has been halted, even MP’s agree.
The government in March said we were going into lockdown to flatten the curve and protect the NHS. Months later the curve could not be more flat. Cases rising as they would every year in Autumn/winter. They move the goalposts to keep the fear up. Despite stats showing otherwise.
The testing for Covid19 is not reliable as shown in news articles and as spoken by multiple scientists. The PCR tests have a high rate of false positives and positive cases does not necessarily mean they are infectious. These tests are then used to justify lockdown & restrictions
The so called government scientists have or have had stakes in vaccine companies in the past. To say this is not a conflict of interest would be outrageous. By keeping the fear and restrictions up they stand a chance of making millions as a vaccine is seen as the only way out
And funnily enough, as per usual the phrase “do as we say, not as we do” is shown with the politicians actions. While implementing the rule of 6, social distancing and masks indoors, it seems as if politicians can ignore these. The “deadly” virus doesn’t harm politicians it seems
These draconian/fascist measures have included the government being allowed to:
• Tell us who we can have in our own house
• All singing being banned in bars/pubs
• How many people we can see outdoors or have a meal with.
•How many people can be at a wedding/Funeral
The growing fascist state not just in the UK but many European countries is a way to test human compliance & prepare us for the “Great Reset”. There will be growing state surveillance and less freedoms unless we comply with the growing control of governments.
The Lockstep from the Rockefeller Foundation has been planned for years. The scenario to unleash this more authoritarian way of governing was waiting for the starter gun. That “gun shot” was covid19. It talks of more authoritarian approaches to deal with a deadly pandemic.
This more authoritarian approach was needed to protect citizens from the deadly virus. At first people loved the governments approach as they felt safe. It included more draconian measures such as face masks, temperature checks and Biometric ID’s. Sound familiar ??
Despite the virus mainly impacting the elderly & people with underlying health conditions, the rules must be implemented on society as a whole to train compliance even after the virus disappears. The more fear, the more people are willing to give up to get back to “normal”
The more people are oppressed the more a vaccine is seen as the “saviour”. Despite it being rushed, the pharma stand to make billions of this vaccine. Whether it is safe or not is another question. But it is not needed, example of Sweden show normality is possible without it.
The vaccine is seen as the saviour to help us get out of this situation. If it is so safe why is the government looking to change laws to promote an unlicensed vaccine, change the legal framework meaning companies/government are immune and protected should it cause public harm !!
“Operation Moonshot” is looking like the first phase of the Great Reset/ New Normal. Planning on carrying out 10 million daily tests. The mass testing would take place in all areas/sections of the country to avoid another lockdown before the vaccine is given out to the public.
The key part of “Operation Moonshot” is the last paragraph. They will implement an “immunity passport” to allow those who test negative to go about their daily lives. It will be needed to enter workplaces, food venues, entertainment places, sports venues and for travel.
The virus can never be eliminated, people need to become immune for it to “disappear”. The growing restrictions look only set to continue using the test cases rather than hospitalisation and deaths. These are also likely to rise but that is common as we enter autumn/winter.
I fully believe the scientist and governments are in on this plan for the “Great Reset”. They will want to keep the fear up and the virus in society for a long as possible to justify the need for the immunity passport and increasing overreach into our personal lives.
Despite the virus seemingly declining due to immunity within parts of the world, pharma have spent a lot of money on vaccines. They will push it no matter the harm caused. Similar to the immunity passport, the vaccine when available will be the only way to get on with our lives
The vaccine procedure and testing has been rushed and already seemingly has come across some problems. The vaccine will require yearly top ups and a booster on the first take. I personally don’t know if it will be safe but I certainly know that everybody does not need the vaccine
The vaccine may only give temporary immunity and require people to retake the rushed vaccine every year. Despite falling cases and alternatives to lockdown such as Sweden etc. To keep the fear they will use every case and rise as an excuse to implement more restrictions.
The restrictions and growing confusion is only a psychological operation to push people to the brink where they constantly live in fear. When people live in fear, they don’t think rationally. People will do anything to get back to normal including give us their freedoms.
The cure is deadlier than the disease. Governments are using the virus as a chance to change people’s behaviour. Our freedoms will become conditional as long as we follow these new authoritarian approach. In the name of protecting us, they are limiting our very freedoms.
Despite the growing mental/physical health issues that restrictions and lockdown are implementing. The fear must continue until a vaccine is available. The psychological operation will push people to take the vaccine as they see it as the only way back to normal but will not be.
In the coming months if nothing changes society will see:

•In and out of restrictions especially to our social life.
•More draconian rules as winter approaches if cases rise.
•Move to mass testing next year
•Immunity passports- Must test to get on with daily life.
• Need immunity passport to get into work, restaurants, sports venues, shops & travel.
•When vaccine is made public, will not be mandatory.
•People will be coerced to take it, seen as way to get back to normal. Immunity passport may require vaccine instead of testing.
Vaccination certificate may be required to travel in the future. In other words, people will have to take this vaccine in order to travel again. Which could mean those who do not take this vaccine will never be able to travel again. Vaccine will not be mandatory, but coerced.
Better quality clip about vaccine and vaccine certificates.
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