A reminder thread on #InternationalSafeAbortionDay that safety includes more than just preventing complications and managing side effects of medications and procedures.
Safety also means being able to have abortions in our own communities, when we need them, and without shame or stigma. Safety includes having our gender identities respected. Safety includes care without racism, ableism, misogyny, ageism. #InternationalSafeAbortionDay
Safe abortion means being able to decide if we want to have a clinic/hospital procedure or medications in a place of our choosing. Safety includes a plan to manage discomfort and the presence of support person(s) if we decide to involve others. #InternationalSafeAbortionDay
Safe #abortion means not fearing violence from protestors, legislative interference, or other invasions of the privacy of your reproductive decisions. Safety includes protecting people who have abortions and also the people who provide them. #InternationalSafeAbortionDay
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