Reasons why you should keep your natural curls. <3

[a thread]
You’re so gorgeous with it
Look at how your pretty curls frame your face
It’s such a pride to have gorgeous waves and curls
Your hair looks so voluminous
Each curl just adds that much depth to your hair and makes it look so good!
When you lose your curls they’re not always easy to get back
Straight hair is just the normal beauty standard, your curls make you look so unique and beautiful
They’re really fun to run your fingers through when you’re stressed or just want to yk
Your curls make you look so charming :)
Your curls are apart of you and they make you look so gorgeous, don’t ever be ashamed of them because not many people can have and rock your beautiful natural curls!
This was aimed for my POC babies mwah! But if you’re feeling insecure about your natural curls I hope this gave you a well deserved confidence boost. Ily

[end of thread]
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