Okay ima say it, Demon Slayer is absolute dog shit, the main character sucks and has a massive sister complex, the sister does nothing for the story and is unattractive as shit, the main villain is a fucking pussy who looks like Micheal Jackson. The mangas artwork is worse than..
My fucking grandmas drawings and she’s dumb as fuck(accidentally swallowed a whole chicken leg). The fights are meaningless and end with long ass back story’s and flashbacks of a demon that no one can give two fucks about. Every fucking demon gets forgiven no matter what they....
Did. The fights against the spider bitches are dumb as fuck, no one cares that your a lonely ass demon go get some demon bitches. The lightning fucker is so fucking annoying and such a crybaby, I’d prefer to hear deku bitch about random ass shit than hear that fucker talk. Dont..
Even get my started on the pig fucker. This dude has less fucking brain cells than bone marrow babies if that’s somehow fucking possible. The pillars are stupid as fuck and could have easily killed Michael Jackson if they were useful. The story should just end with the two main..
Siblings getting married and having a child, it would probably be more interesting than all this bullshit. Send me death threats and what ever I frankly couldn’t give a fuck. ‘Ratio’ my ass or whatever. Don’t fuck with people over there opinions like @JT_AniTwT and suck my dick
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