hello i have made this acc to expose the truth about @/GGUKSPITS and who was behind the acc hacking etc

below are several screenshots of the gc that was involved in the incident

these screenshots are all accurate and not edited it is your choice to accept them or not
proof of the gc hacking into their acc as you can see it was more than one person

onix was the one who had given the password to everyone
they also saved and sent pics to the gc of someones partner ooc
here is more proof that they hacked the acc
somi admitting they were sending themselves hate and the others telling alyssa to hack
them telling alyssa not to mention anyone in the gc
end of thread
to add on somi has also released information about the transphobic annabella

she exposed their details to the gc including the address and their parents details
here is the proof
somi @/CoastalSail and @/sanriosomi as you may know coastalsail has already been exposed

val @/VALSPITS participated in everything

alyssa @/SLATTPRlNCESS made the original expose thread and did not include names

i unfortunately could not find tokyos @ to tag them
i would also like to include this screenshot that is related to somi

they are not the role model you all think they are
here you go https://twitter.com/bratdoilz/status/1310692455554125825
sorry there has been an error it was not onix who had given the password it was tokyo
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