listening to sam harris and it’s hilarious how stubbornly he has refused to move in any sensible direction for half a decade. he’ll have john mcwhorter on to discuss progressivism as a new religion but still pretend most dangerous dogmas come from mike pence and amy barrett...
he’ll do 10 podcasts with new yorker writers and racism in technology consultants agreeing how important it is to eliminate non-mainstream voices from the internet and then complain for 30 straight minutes about how people “mischaracterize his views” as white nationalism
it’s all evil mark zuckerberg’s fault that middle schoolers are linked to coronavirus conspiracies on youtube. never mind that their teachers are spouting the latest shit from nyt about how biological sex is made up and 8 unarmed black police deaths are most pressing world issue
totally unwilling to ask whether technology driven derangement is evidence that fully realized “democracy” was never a good idea - just more insistence that “liberalism” and “rational discussion” is the way out. incapable of facing power and his role within it
which is hilarious because he’s one of the first people against the wall once progs take over. like 75% of his podcast guests work for outlets that’ll be denouncing him for proscription if they haven’t already. dude is apparently oblivious to all of this
say what you will about eric weinstein that he’s naïve or theatrical or enjoys listenting to himself talk, but at least he’s not an irredeemable political amnesiac who gets surprised every 5 minutes when the institutions denounce him lmao
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