This whole situation is insanely frustrating. If I'm out and about in my area, and I see someone not wearing a mask, they're more likely to be wearing a MAGA shirt than a shtreyml or a sheytl.
On the other hand, the local MAGAts aren't holding large indoor rallies--not here, at least. Whereas the Satmarim in KJ have been holding High Holiday services indoors, unmasked, with all the usual davening.
So when the second wave hits, so will a wave of "blame the Jews!" Even if it starts in KJ, it won't respect the village boundaries. I see Haredim all the time--at the Farmers Market, the CVS, the bank. And I hear Jew-haters all the time, on all the local community boards.
I can't even use this thread to implore them to mask, because the mere fact that I'm tweeting on Yom Kippur is a violation. (And kosher phones don't get Twitter.)

I had to unfollow Haredi accounts on here months ago because their anti-mask mishegoss was driving me crazy.
So instead, I'll implore my fellow seculars, Jewish and otherwise: It's not just "their" problem, its all of ours. Shut the Monroe-Woodbury schools down now. (Remember when 75 unmasked high school students posed in front of the school building?) Return to March-April behavior.
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