Hey @KBeds, @jomalleydillon @SymoneDSanders @schultzohio do you have a comment regarding this merchandise available on your site as to when you received word that the @nytimes was running the tax story? How far in advance did you know? What's the turn around on merch design?
The last time you updated your Merch page was September 14, 2020 which included the text "I Paid More In Taxes Than Donald Trump". This was 15 days before @nytimes broke the story. So you guys have known this was coming for weeks in order to design and create merch. #MAGA
We need to give the @JoeBiden campaign website a call and ask how they knew about the Tax story on Sept 14 when they updated their webpage to sell Tax Merch.

Here is the number....
I adjusted the date range to not include any archived data from the Joe Biden merch store before yesterday 9/27/2020 - and there is the text, posted 9/14/20 "I Paid More In Taxes Than Donald Trump" - the campaign definitely knew about the #NYT story that came out today weeks ago.
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