I just made this account because I felt the need for things to be explained properly;; Let me get this straight; Kfans are NOT saying tha she’s ugly and not talented, they are accusing YooJimin of her rude and inappropriate words and actions. (See thread) #YooJimin
The following pictures show Yoo Jimin’s SNS and messages (between her and her friend) They display content of saying tha EXO Kai is ugly and that she would’ve like it better to have done the car advertisement with someone else.
These pictures are what Yoo Jimin’s friends have put up on SNS. They contain curse words, derogratory remarks, and lots of sex depreciation. I would like to translate, but there are too many inappropriate and sexual words I would not like to repeat.
This picture is a report from one of Yoo Jimin’s schoolmates, saying that she and her friends liked to smoke cigarettes IN SCHOOL (there’s also a mention of the drinking alcohol underage in her friend’s SNS pic above)
I will just translate this for you. Yoo Jimin’s friends talked about her have s*x with NC* and having their kids (its not true, its showing you their prospectives about seniors and sexual relations)
You can see that she is absolutely human trash and doesn’t have a clean past, how can we be sure that she won’t go around doing inappropriate and disrespectful things?
I really don’t think you should all protect her and cheer for her just because she is talented and pretty. I am not saying that she’s not, but you can already tell from her past exactly what kind of human she is and how she doesn’t deserve the privilege of debut.
Please #rt we need as much people as possible knowing the TRUTH, and that these are not false nor empty accusations
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