GUYS. I know you’ve all heard of Q but what about V? Who’s V? Well he’s 2 security levels above Q for starters. Q only knows what they let the plebes know. V is the real deal. He’s got all the evidence on those nasty republicans who are wearing GRANDMA SKINS under their clothes.
You read that right. Those sickos! You ever see MAGA in their bios? The G is code for grandma! I saw this nasty video where they make enchiladas out of grandma skins. No I can’t show it to you! They scrubbed it from the internet! Ever see them use the term “patriot”.
Well guess what? That’s code for pâté. Grandma pâté. Don’t believe me? Well here’s their very own Michael Flynn talking about it.
And guess what else? V predicted it would be above 60 degrees in Miami on August 12th! How could he know that? INSIDER INFO that’s how! Don’t worry folks, V is working with George Washington to bring it all down. No he’s not dead! He had to fake his death so the
“shallow county“ couldn’t get him.Thats the secret club that runs this whole thing.They even control your choice of cable providers! Bastards! But a tornado is coming. Then it’s straight to the DMV with all of them! Yeah yeah you want them in Guantanamo have you ever been to the
DMV? It’s awful! And remember if you see any republicans say Keep America Great that’s code for Kill All Grandmas. Won’t you join the “interweb musketeers” as we decode and “chartuesepill” these trumpsters? #LGOHNOH (for you newbies that means “Lets Go Over Here, No Over Here!”)
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