So Blaire White says in her new video that these two people competing against each other would be ridiculous, thereby pushing the idea that this is what trans women, including Janae (left) want.

However, they are not in the same weight class, clearly, or even the same sport. 1/3
Janae Kroc even commented on Blaire's video to let her know that she is spreading misinformation but the video, of course, is still up.

Janae has publicly said that she has no plans to compete as a woman but that didn't stop Blaire from using her to fearmonger about trans women.
The other woman in the picture is Amber Larsen, who recently won an Amateur Bodybuilding competition. Janae is a world champion powerlifter.

Janae identifies as trans/genderfluid/non-binary. Blaire ignores this, claims not knowing why she still competes against men & laughs.
Remember, Blaire's video is called:

Trans Athlete: "I Belong In Women's Sports, Get Over It!"

And this is the thumbnail she uses.

Blaire White is a fearmongering liar, that is all :) 4/3
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