Let’s analyze lockdowns, which could mean many different things, as lockdowns are not absolute in terms of how much they shut things down. As with masks, it is a polarizing topic, and there are scientific studies that say they are good and others that say they are bad...

Lockdowns make people feel safe because we are taking action to protect ourselves with a physical shield that is locking out the virus. Lockdowns are also an intentional action, which makes us feel in control and that we are actually doing something to try to stop COVID...

Governments are fans of lockdowns as they give them credit for taking action against an enemy and are therefore acting responsibly to protect their people. It also helps them control the population, which could help in emergencies, but could be misused for political gain...

Coronavirus spreads when infective people are in physical contact with others, so lockdowns make sense from a viral spread point of view as they reduce the rate of spread. This is simple maths and is not refuted, but there is more to this as this isn’t a lab experiment...

The first thing to consider is that lockdowns have many levels. We use the word as if to mean only one thing, but it can mean “shelter in place,” “cordon sanitaire,” “quarantine,” “closing schools,” or “closing restaurants.” There is a lot of variation in lockdown levels...

Lockdowns cannot last forever, but the coronavirus can, as they not a living organism (they are strips of genetic material) and can infect a small number of people until they flare up again. Thus, after lockdowns end the virus will come back if people aren’t protected...

Lockdowns, depending on their severity, cause tremendous damage to businesses, especially to restaurants, bars, hair salons, dentists, and small shops. Unless governments, which put lockdowns in place, reimburse businesses for lost income, how can they survive?...

While it may seem that businesses are not important when dealing with a deadly virus, it isn’t that simple, as economic devastation causes suicides, starvation, domestic violence, child abuse, mental illness, etc...businesses are owned and run by people who are affected...

What doesn’t get reported in the MSM is just how much death and devastation lockdowns have caused, which makes it difficult to compare COVID negatives versus lockdown negatives. It is easy to support one or the other, but that would be over simplifying...

There is broad agreement that lockdowns “flatten the curve” by slowing the spread, which was done at the start of COVID. The economic cost of locking down for 2-4 weeks to let hospitals prepare is reasonable, but beyond this period is where there is disagreement...

We have examples such as Sweden which didn’t have forced lockdowns, just social distancing recommendations. Sweden slowed the spread, ended COVID, and experienced minimal economic damage. Deaths per million were less than in the US and in many European countries...

Thus, we see that lockdowns:

(1) Slow the spread
(2) Help healthcare workers
(3) Cause economic damage
(4) Cause death and injury
(5) Don’t end COVID

Because there are both pros and cons, one must look further to decide what should have been done...

So how does one slow the spread and end COVID with minimal lockdowns? Social distancing by healthy people when they are indoors, but not outdoors, with vulnerable people social distancing both indoors and outdoors, and remaining at home as possible, may be best overall...

Instead of trying to take one side, it would be best if we could all work together to find a balanced approach that causes the least amount of suffering for everyone affected by COVID, and helps us all end COVID and prepare to handle the next pandemic more effectively.

I want to personally apologize for having taken sides when it comes to COVID, as it does not help. We are all on Earth together and should end divisiveness and work together to end COVID. I wish you all health, love, happiness and inner peace.

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