Women are not difficult, stop overthinking them !!! I’ll explain why.

It’s either they want you or they don’t , either they wanna knack you or they don’t.

Now this guy has been texting this chic for God knows how long and she ain’t giving
Him the same energy. Guys what is wrong with y’all ?? I’m sure this guy has been on this for a month or more.

And he’s asking me WHAT CAN I DO? bro, you can’t do anything and that’s that. She doesn’t want you. Stop looking stupid by keep texting her.
She’s giving you the signs but you’re so blinded by your emotions.

Start dealing with girls who got high interest in you. If she has high interest , she’ll give you the same energy you’re giving her or even more.
Don’t waste your time texting that one girl tryna convince her to like you or go on a date with you.

This is you begging her to be in your life. This is you begging her to go out with you. Tf Is that ?
What you should do is delete her number and move on. Meet other girls and be on your grind / hustle.

When a girl sees a guy they are really into , they don’t do all these bs.

y’all saying maybe she needs time to like you probably 3 months or so. That’s nonsense.
What will happen in these 3 months is that you’ll be the one buying her things , taking her on dates , spending money and you won’t still the up with her. Girls are manipulative.

Start dealing With girls who has high interest in you. Don’t waste months tryna convince her.
Please do this and you’ll thank me later.

Y’all can dm me and I’ll try to address more topics.

Either a twitter dm or Whatsapp. My number is on my bio.
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