random but im rly tired of some things constantly being assigned romantic meanings when they can be perfectly fine rom ("did you eat yet" "text me when you get home" "imy") like idk the way these r being coded to be ONLY romantic can ruin plat relationships :/
just remmebered seeing debates on whether "kumain ka na ba" ("did you eat yet") was rom/plat + if the ppl who ask that are leading ppl on like i get it ye it COULD come off as leading someone on but on its own its just a genuine question of concern not necessarily rom wtf,,, hhh
tho i guess this could be cultural thing since i dont really see it in other cultures much (at least based on my following and what my following follows) but also i guess this is where tone indicators really come into play since it makes it easier to discern whether smth is r/p
its 12:20 am im having many thoughts like its 2am and rn its about social conventions, culture, words, and the concept of what counts as romantic and what counts as platonic good pm
ok now that this is out of my system i can see how this thread /might/ be considered me looking down on ND ppl ok im sry dw im just questioning my country's culture + the concepts of romantic vs platonic and how/why things have to be coded as one or the other thank u
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