My $00.02.

I actually agree with this frustration but for (I suspect) a completely different reason than the general viewership. I dislike any and all sex scenes that (a) don't make sense & /or (b) don't advance the plot. Regarding sgl scenes b/w Black men I wish these (cont)
writers would stop writing sgl characters until they figure out how to first write compelling & interesting sgl characters who are more than a trauma-release-sex-scene, DL-sex-scene or some other metaphor connecting them to being a detriment w/o any real plot development (cont)
I cringed while simultaneously rolling my eyes w/the Montrose sex scene in #LovecraftCountry  . Same in Watchmen with the infedelity. These writers don't show loving relationships. Sgl men do more than just have rough sex bordering on rape.

To date my favorite gay couple (cont)
depicted in television are Agron & Nasir in #Spartacus. They were battle husbands who weren't written into the story just to have a "shocking" sex scene. Those characters actually had something to do and advanced the plot!

If I wanted to watch sgl pornography I know where (cont)
to find it. When watching television & movies I expect a better plotline than what I see in porn 💀💀💀
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