These kinds of attacks—and the amount of support they get—make no sense to me.

1. Plenty of liberals have been “outraged” at billion dollar companies getting away with paying zero. Because plenty of liberals support social programs, and having those programs funded by taxes.
2. Who is this attack aimed at? Is it aimed at a liberal who is anti-taxing the rich?

3. If that person exists (i.e. someone who votes liberal, identifies as liberal, but supports trickle-down economics), why then would you then presume they’re also outraged at Trump’s taxes?
I don’t think there’s ever a piece of news that can break that won’t get the Extremely Online Leftist™ to use it for more liberal bashing. Honestly, truly expecting someone to blame a liberal for Cantwell threatening to rape a fellow nazi’s wife.
Also, I feel totally justified in referring to this person as an Extremely Online Leftist™ given that their own bio states they are a founder of yet another social media app and network.
And they’re a European whose feed includes a lot of telling Americans to never vote.

That’s not related to this thread, just something to add an extra bit of frustration for myself.
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