The last time I played was in 2015 for WoD. I had every intention to "keep it casual". I was playing solo and unguilded on my hunter when I accepted a random invite from a guild.
It was literally a guild full of randoms and I didn't mind. There were reasonable rules and reasonable schedules. Then the GM wanted to start raiding, so he started gearing up some interested folk.
I wanted to see endgame, so I joined this crew and brought along my resto druid and warrior. This gm gave no fucks, lol. Not in a bad way, but he didn't care if people gquit, or if others thought we were the shittiest guild on the realm (which arguably we were).
I sometimes wish I had his confidence about the way his strategy in most encounters (and guild leadership) was to throw shit at the wall until it stuck. I was one of those turds.
I remember spending hours in a mythic dungeon with my shitty lowlevel PVP geared druid despite me insisting my ilvl was too low for this. Fortunately my guildies were patient and in the same boat so we wiped for hours, lol.
Thus begins my descent into WoW raiding and grinding for teh purplz. Anyway, point of this thread was just to reminisce and remind myself that I always do this when I come back to WoW. I get competetive and the game is ruined, lol. 😭
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