my frustration with the liberal obsession with “good trouble” is that you all actually mean “respectable trouble”

and otg organizers in the south and atlanta know that in the last years of his life, john lewis mean respectable trouble too
burning down police precincts is good trouble. screaming “fire fire gentrifier” in the middle of the night in bed stuy is good trouble. interrupting politicians on stage while they try to lie to you is good trouble. reclaiming abandoned buildings is good trouble.
y’all want palatable trouble. you want snackable trouble. you want trouble that can be made into mass produced tee shirts. you want trouble that gets the elite elected again. you want trouble sans cuss words and sans blood.

which in the end, for the elite, is no trouble at all.
we’ve been called selfish, unloveable brats, st*pid, thugs, terrorists by obama, RBG, john lewis andrew young -the whole gambit.

i am so very tired of Resistance Incorporated. So very tired of Good Trouble Incorporated.
the people i admire were not trouble at all. they blew up buildings and planes, took court rooms hostage, started violent riots in prisons stopped capitalism in its tracks.

they weren’t trouble. to the elite, they were terrifying. if i can be even close to that, i’ll be happy.
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