Melle Rant: I'm back, so I'll just jump right in, since I need to vent. You are a POS if you are going after Amy Coney Barrett. Let me say that again for the completely unself aware liberals. YOU ARE A POS if you are going after Amy Coney Barrett.
First, the f'ing Handmaids Tale was written when she was 13. I'm a year younger than her. We are Gen X. We didn't need to burn our bras or scream about abortion. We grew up when women had all the opportunities, even shirking their responsibilities.
And let's face it. If Amy Coney Barrett was pro-choice and had been nominated by a Clinton or an Obama, you all would be having an orgasm right now. She is the EPITOME of what feminism is supposed to be. She is a federal Justice, who graduated first in her class.
She rose to her position before she turned 50 and still has school age children. She is living is the feminist dream. And we all see you, and your fake feminism when you go after her about "how can she be a good mother and a Justice."
Then you have f'ing nerve to say her beliefs are the inspiration for the Handmaid's Tale. Do you hear yourselves? Do you hear the fact that you are tearing down another women for doing what YOU SAID WAS YOUR END GOAL? She is a SUCCESSFUL MOTHER OF SEVEN. You all want to be her.
She's pro-life and that's what scares you. You don't understand federalism or that overturning Roe doesn't mean your 'get out of jail free card" doesn't go away. So let's destroy her by any means necessary.
For years, I've heard you assholes scream "but are you really prolife" And yet, here is a woman who has SEVEN children. Two are adopted and one has down syndrome. And that's what really scares you. She is better than you will every be. She lives her principles.
And you don't. You know how I know you don't? You claim to be a feminist, but are tearing down another woman's success. So screech at her nominee. Screech at Trump, but in the end Coney-Barrett will be remembered. Not just by history, but by her children.
And by the fact that she will be the FIRST SUPREME COURT JUSTICE WHO HAS SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN. Suck it up!
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