It’s very interesting how many men crave leadership but lack submission
It’s also very interesting how many women are familiar with submission and not leadership
In my opinion we tend see great leadership skills from many women because they’ve learnt leadership starts by serving first and not “leading”
(Im not here to argue misogyny and patriarchy)
We tend to see some men “experiment” when it comes to leadership because they find identity in a position OVER people as opposed to their service and accountability TO people
Simply put - You’re not fit to lead if you’re not willing to serve
Actually I’m not finished lol ....

When it then gets to marriage... (For husbands) Leadership is emphasised heavily with so little emphasis on servitude.

Men will then shout submission have not actively practiced submission in their adult lives ?
We are now seeing women getting better jobs, better pay , becoming better leaders, amassing greater levels of followership

And yet the penny still isn’t dropping for some men ....
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