I don’t know who needs to hear this but ain’t nothing wrong with asking for prayer! Man I pray for people up here all the time that I’ve never even met a day in my life!

Don’t have to know what a person is going through to pray for them. God knows....
If we trust and believe than He will come through. I know it because he has done it for me...and still is! No situation is great for God. Remember He always provides a way out we just have to endure the storm and keep trusting in Him.
There is no guarantee how long your storm will last but know it will end. People always ask why would God do this to me? We experience these situations in life because some of us NEED more than a spiritual presence. Some of us need physical.
Sometimes we NEED someone that can look us in the eyes and say I’ve been through your situation and look at me. Look at how God brought me out through my faithfulness. If He can do it for me....HE CAN DO IT FOR YOU! ❤️
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