After watching Jumanji this weekend I was struck by a few scenes that mimicked my life.
The main characters are stuck in a live video game.
When they ask the "people" there certain questions, those "people" don't respond to the actual question but repeat a scripted response. 1/
In that moment the characters realize those "people" aren't people after all. They are part of the game. The other day I poured out my heart via text to an old friend.
I risked telling her about the lies someone was spread about me expecting a human response from her... 2/
Instead she responded with
"praying for you! Love you!"
And I have never felt more hated. I still feel a visceral response in my gut.
So many of you have felt that moment when you realize someone you loved isn't real after all. They are just part of the game. 3/
While I deeply grieve these constant losses, It makes me ever more grateful that I am not there anymore. And it makes finding the real people of #WeirdChristiantwitter like that moment when they discover Joe Jonas, an actual person, and together they fight their way out. 🤣😅🧐
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