TREAD: Over the course of a few weeks Frances O'Grady would have publicly stood shoulder to shoulder with Rishi to endorse his shite Job Support Scheme, attended as a keynote speaker at the British Venture Capitalist and Private Equity Association Conference....
... and helped Andrew Adonis - a former Blair/Brown minister and current Lord who is aggressively anti-union and anti-socialist - promote his new crap book at the Tolpuddle Martys Radical History School.

Unless someone enlightens me otherwise I can see no justification for...
... her doing any of these things as TUC gen sec. Whatever the justification given, these things very helpfully encapsulate why she and the TUC are, at best, irrelevant to the vast majority of workers in the UK today, and, at worst, an insidious threat to their interests. END.
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