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The branches of the US Armed Forces.

These developed from the War Office seal used to officiate documentation during war time.
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The Norse's Ouroboros

Symbol of rebirth.
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Dating back to Cleopatra. The B&W design represents duality similar to ☯️

"The All Is One"


E Pluribus Unum
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Linked to the "Philosopher's Stone"

An alchemical substance which turned base metal into Gold or Silver and brought eternal life.

Symbolizing enlightenment.

Adam learned the knowledge of the stone from God.
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It is created from prima materia, primordial, associated with chaos (chaos magik).

Metal seems to be the substance which offers the most promise due to its transmutational properties.
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I see the pineal gland but maybe I am biased in some way. I see, due to the humans uncanny ability to create faces, a simple type of face/head.

Yet, I can also see a symbolic representation of a woman, better yet, the ovum.

Perhaps there's a reason.
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As we are made of metals, we have the ability of transmutation also in theory.

The name for this substance, at times, is Quintessense... #Q

Also, the sign of a fertilized ovum.
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Metals form salts when combined with acid (interconnection).

Metals are malleable. Salts are brittle.

There's more here... but again, back to Oceans. Life. And balance. We were seeking something we saw with intuition...
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Each Branch's seal is encased in that same circle of Ouroboros. And within the circle is its conception.

Army: root ar- "to fit together"

Marines: mori- "body of water"

Navy: nau- "boat, vessel"
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