I am SICK of yall’s selective activism. People keep making fun of Islam on anitwt and NO ONE does anything. I keep fighting against any kind of discrimination even when I’m not part of the community myself, expecting to have the same energy back. We NEVER do. So here’s an example
This person tweeted this n just a couple of ppl called them out. those same ppl aren’t very disrespectful. Saying things like «delete» and explaining why it’s offensive.All the person says is that because ppl insult them in dms (we have no proof that it’s true) they won’t delete
in the replies you can see how arrogant the person is and just won’t delete and even admitted they know it’s offensive. They k n o w what they’re doing.
Oh and then they tweet this ? So the reason about them not wanting to delete is bc ppl insult them or islamophobia ? Uh ?
You should all call this person out, report the tweet please. I’m sick of seeing my own community being bashed day and night and nobody is helping us.
Here are other ppl who said horrible things
Well I’m gonna leave anitwt and this would probably be my last tweet for some time. I’m sick of this. This isn’t a safe space for me. Everyday I see islamophobic shit and shut my mouth cuz I know ppl won’t care. But NO MORE. This is just ONE exemple of what happens EVERYDAY
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