In a tour de force of hard won reporting, the New York Times has put numerical clothing on what we’ve known about President Trump for years:

He’s a haphazard businessman, human billboard and serial bankruptcy artist 
But @TimOBrien wants us to focus on what the tax returns reveal about Trump as president. Because of his:

✅Reliance on overseas income
✅Refusal to distance himself from his business

Trump represents a profound national security threat 
According to the Times, Trump has about $421 million in debts which he has personally guaranteed and which are coming due over the next several years.

But @TimOBrien believes Trump’s overall indebtedness is greater than that 
Trump has worked hard to keep his debts hidden for decades.

@DanAlexander21 has a book out about the president’s financial conflicts of interest, “White House Inc.” He estimates Trump’s total indebtedness to be about $1.1 billion
Trump has been bloviating about being worth $10 billion ever since he entered the 2016 presidential race, a figure that simply isn’t true.

He’s worth a fraction of that amount, and the larger his indebtedness becomes, the more strain it puts on his assets 
Covid-19 has taken a brutal toll on the sectors which Trump’s businesses are in:

🏡Real estate

If he can’t meet debt payments, he’ll have to sell assets or get bailed out by a friend with funds – and he’s never liked to sell anything 
If Trump was still just a reality TV oddity, that wouldn’t be earthshaking.

But he’s president, and the trade-offs someone like him would be willing to make to save his face and his wallet taint every public policy decision he makes 
Trump’s history of avoiding tax payments – often paying nothing – should also alarm his supporters.

Trump’s tax cut largely benefitted the most affluent Americans and the largest corporations. Now we learn that he has rarely paid taxes in recent years 
Trump paid $750 in taxes the year he was elected. That’s way less than the:

💸$130,000 in hush money he paid Stormy Daniels
💸 $161,950 in taxes that he criticized Obama for “only” paying 
When comparing Trump’s tax payments to an American household earning about $75,000 in 2016, the difference is even more stark:

Those folks paid about $14,000 in federal income taxes — a lot more than $750 
Anyone buying Trump’s tripe about looking out for the little guy while he occupies the White House should bear this in mind:

POTUS is in it only for himself, and he’s laughing all the way to the bank. And he’s laughing at you, too 
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